realMLS 2021-2022 Dues are Posted
We appreciate you being a member of realMLS (Northeast Florida Multiple Listing Service, Inc.)!
Your Annual MLS Dues Invoice for the period of July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 is available online and is due on or before June 30, 2021.
To pay by credit card CLICK HERE and login with your MLS ID in the “Member ID” field and the last four digits of your Social Security Number in the “4-Digit Password field”.
If you need more detailed information or how to pay by check please CLICK HERE.
(Please Note: Outside of education classes, The Resource Center is still closed to walk-in traffic so payment cannot be made in person.)
Our focus continues to be advancing a healthy marketplace, for our members and their clients, by providing the cleanest and most comprehensive listing data. We keep you “In the Know™” through our committed staff and family of products and services.
The 2021-2022 MLS Dues Summary is also available for your review. We are here Making the Market Work™ by ensuring the MLS data is a source on which you and your clients can rely.
Thank you.
Nicole Jensen RCE CMLX3
realMLS, CEO
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