Prevent Emails from Going Into Spam or Junk Mail
realMLS strives to provide the cleanest and most comprehensive listing data. We do so by enforcing our Data Integrity Policy.
When an error is discovered in a listing, realMLS emails a “MARC Notification” to the Listing Agent and Broker informing them of the error and on Citation Errors (correctable) and the requirement to be corrected within 24 hours. If the correction is not made within 24 hours, the information is turned over to our Data Integrity department for further action. Below are some steps to take to ensure you receive important notifications.
- Keep your realMLS Member Portal updated with the correct email address. (Your portal will indicate if you have received a Data Integrity fine, the purpose of the fine and the ability to pay the fine online.)
- If you need to change your email address, please email
- Whitelist email addresses in your Contacts to ensure important emails make it through your inbox filters instead of going to Spam or Junk mail. Here is a link to further explain How to Whitelist an Email.
- Below are trusted emails that should be Whitelisted in your Contacts:
- MARC Notification:
- realMLS Data Compliance:
- realMLS Data Integrity:
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