realMLS Blog

Florida Realtors Updated Forms – Now Live on Form Simplicity

As we prepare for the August 17th deadline for practice changes required under the settlement, the timeline for Florida Realtor forms has been updated. For more information on the sunsetting of realMLS and NEFAR forms, finalized on June 30, 2024, visit here.

Updated timeline for Florida Realtor forms:

June 21: (new forms) – LIVE NOW on Form Simplicity

For new forms, a video by Juana Watkins (FR Attorney) explaining the new forms and transcript of the video go to:

  • Broker to Broker Compensation Agreement
  • Seller to Buyer’s Broker Compensation Agreement
  • Modification to Compensation Agreement (the two listed above)

NOTE: Once all our forms vendors have uploaded/published the new forms, these forms will no longer be available on our website.

July 9:

  • Amended Buyer Broker Agreement
  • Amended Showing Agreement
  • Amended Retainer Agreement
  • Modification to Buyer Broker Agreement

July 23:

  • Expect the release of amended Listing Agreements and several other forms. One of those forms will address what you do with listings and buyer broker agreements that are in effect on August 17th that do not have the required language for settlement compliance.

October 1:

  • Condo riders will change October 1, NOT July 1. The change is mandated by the statute and is effective for Oct 1 not July 1.

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